5 Interesting things about Capricorns

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For my Fantasy Town Magical Land, I am created a creating a unicorn for each Zodiac~! Here is the Capricorn Unicorn:

So I decided to find out 5 things that the internet claims are interesting facts about Capricorns and this is what I found:

1. They remember even the smallest detail about everyone they meet.

All the details... AAALLL the details..... o.o

2. Capricorn’s can read your mind, so watch what you say.

Which finally explains why when I had a crush on this one Capricorn, they sort of just got up and left and I never heard from them again....clearly they did not feel the same way. XD

3. When Capricorns get knocked down they just get the hell back up and keep going.

This is definitely something I admire about Capricorns; their never-say-die spirit is very attractive. I personally thrive on challenges so it is a real boost to work with people who have the same work ethic. 

4. When a Capricorn likes someone, they act really smart or really dumb - there is no in between

I think that is the true mystery and appeal of Capricorns; you never know what you're gonna get, and that is pretty exciting!

5. Capricorns are born adults who become more youthful with age.

Hahahahahaha yesssss. So true, 'nough said. 

So there are the 5 things that I found that the internet says about Capricorns, which I thought were interesting. If there is anything that you think are interesting facts about Capricorns that you'd like to share with me, leave it in the comments below.

As always, may your midnight's be magical,


- Ai 
