Thoughtful Tuesday: My New Year's Resolutions

I believe that 2018 is going to be a year of positive change for my life.

I've been working on my art for a long time now and I finally feel as if I am close to making a break through!

So here is a list of my New Year's Resolutions that I am looking forward to keeping this year in order to take my work to the next level.

My Art Space:

This year a new mall has finally been completed, which is about five minutes away from where I live! Although this would seem like a distraction for must people, I on the other hand would rather avoid places like the mall at all costs in order to reduce my anxiety. However I am hoping to challenge myself at least once a month, to go out and work on some outdoor sketches by sitting at the benches and tables at the mall and just look out at traffic, and draw it. I feel that if I can do this, it may help me slowly be able to reduce my anxiety levels, and be able to go out and about again like I used to do with my friends and family. 

New Art Projects:

I have so many! And now I have a planner! I intend to get really organised this year and stick to what I have already agreed on, and not take on any more work until all the current projects are done. Last year I was very overwhelmed by all the life-changes, that I didn't think that it would be possible to come out the other end of a black hole of doubt, but here we stand, and that counts for something. So let's see how far I go, I have a lot of work, and only 365 days to get it all done!

New Blogging Goals:

A blog a day. I've decided I want to blog every single day. There was a time when I used to do that, and I enjoyed it immensely. It helped me to treasure the good times, look back on the hard times with a huge helping of humour, as well as document my thoughts and feelings. I want to go back to that and make this place my online home again, where I can share my thoughts, feelings, struggles and my art with you, so that I have a place to run to whenever I am feeling down.

New Vlogging Goals:

This I am cutting back a lot. I feel that having my face there, looking back at me, all the time, was hard to look at. It wasn't so much the vlogging as it has been the editing. When I find myself a new rhythm, I may start again, but for now I think I just like recording happy things like melting ice cream, or spreading peanut butter n bread. Moments that make me feel good. What I capture for my vlogs is not exactly "super engaging" content, so I've decided to just do it as and when I feel inspired.

New Time-lapse Vlogs:

Now these vlogs I will be doing so much more, because it involves me drawing! I love to edit these vlogs as it means that I get to go through the whole amazing creation process again and again through the camera lense! I absolutely adore these videos and I am looking forward to working on more.

New Art:

Lots and lots and lost. I'm even dedicating certain days and certain times JUST to talk about art. It's going to be ARt ARt ART ArtART ARRRRRRT over here, and I love it. Art makes me happy. Art makes me smile. Art is everything to me. Art art art. :3

So those are my new year's resolutions, let's see how far I can carry them through. I really am going to work hard and make sure to make this happen, so wish me luck! :3

As Always, may your midnights be magical, 
