Payphone - Collection Old Dreams

When I was a kid, I was always fascinated by Payphones. They were the only way I could
contact my parents when I was lost, so for me, no matter where I was, I felt like I could
trust the payphone to help me gain access to my Dad or Mom's voice in the worst of times when
I needed help getting out of a sticky situation.

Now that we all have our smartphones and our tablets, these dial-up machines seemingly
no longer have a use. It is so easy to simply turn on our personal phone and dial a number as immediately you have instant access to whoever you want, whenever you want and
for how long you want as well.

So who uses payphones now?

I'm suspecting those who are payphone less, and that would be our senior generation, as well as those with the wild-look of loss and terror in their eyes as they realise that their phone's battery has run out and they don't have a charger, or that they have lost their phone completely!

No matter what state our phone is in, the payphone is right where we last remembered it.
It is somehow wired up to a magical powerline, that just like a home phone, has a direct line
to it that you can use it to call that one person you need to hear the most, to help you get from where you are, to where you need to be.

I don't claim to understand payphones as I am not a payphone expert. I simply am a person fascinated by old relics that I find of my childhood, that I hope never disappear.  However as old dreams, these machines are disappearing and dwindling in number.

Popping up instead are public charging points for handphones so that you can revive the little tiny gadget in your pocket and reconnect with your loved ones once again, without having to seek out the old payphone.

These improvements are good and I hope they carry on, however I still hope while we mold the future to better suit our technological advances, we don't forget the old dreams, which still can be quite useful, even if they might be from another decade or two ago.
