
Floral Prints

More Floral Prints:

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means a medical practitioner myself, so these are informations that I have understood from sources online. I will link below the sources that I read from so that if you would like to do some further reading of your own, you are more than welcome to do so!

A little bit about the Poppy:

The poppy plant is a flowering plant that mostly grows in the Northern Hemisphere. This plant is known to be very short lived, often dying soon after flowering. It is kept as an ornamental plants as the flower are very beautiful and showy, each of the 5 or 6 petals fanning our beautifully in rich color hues once in bloom. 

Medical Uses and History of Poppy:

In ancient Egypt patients would be given poppy seeds as a remedy for abdominal pain. This practise has been revisited as poppy seeds contain small portions of both morphine and codeine, and are used as pain-relieving drugs today. 

Sources Online:
