Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicines

This book I really sought out in the library. It was on the second level, right near the entrance, however because I had no idea until I verifies the information at the main library computer, I had been all the way at the 5th level before I realised that. However after much ado about stairs and escalators, Bad and I finally got our hands on the book I had been searching for, and we went home.

So this has been me for a couple of weeks now:

This is a non-fiction text about exactly what it says it is about; Herbal Medicines, and while it is not the most exciting text, it's not a dry read either. The author and editor aimed to not just talk about plants, but provide a visual aid as well as an origin story for most, if not all, to help understand where the treatments arrived from, and how us as humans have shaped the use of these plants into healing purposes.

This is a sample page of the book:

And here is another:

There isn't really much else I can tell you aside from this being a very awesome basic research book, which has given me a lot to think about. A lot of these plants are foreign to asia in the wild, so having pictures of all the plant parts is so crucial, as otherwise, I'd have to score the internet for further information for each and every one of the 550 plants listen.

I am aware that there are so many more plants out there, and this is just a stepping point into the deep end of herbal studies, but boy does it not disappoint. I really am enjoying myself reading this book! 
