The 100 Day Project: Abstract Art

Haha so I'm the kind of person who is CONSTANTLY  stressing out about everything being
absolutely perfect, and so sometimes, in order to just let things happen naturally, I do art work
or engage in projects that are allll about the flow.

This year for some stress relief, I studied how to do "Acrylic Pour" paintings.

Here is a little snippet of what I mean from my instagram account:

Day 5: The Rose I decided to go a little experimental on this piece. Playing around with the technique of #acrylicpour , I first created the lineart, and then proceeded to cover it in layer after layer of paint. . After I had allowed the paint to mingle and merge together, I used multiple white cartridge papers to soak up each layer of merged acrylic paint to slowly reveal the basr layer which you see before you here as a completed piece. . It was a very fun experience, and it completely took me out of my comfort zone. I'll be sharing all the other beautiful abstract art that I created from this process in the weeks to come, and I definitely will try out #acrylicpouring again in the near future! . P.S. Yes I had cake for dessert. 😍💖🎂💖💕 . #fluidpour #fluidart #rose #birdsbutterfliesandblooms #the100dayproject #aidadaism #100dayartchallenge #the100dayartchallenge #instaart #instaartist
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This was extremely fun to do, and to see me create it, you can check out my instagram story here:

Making the Rose using Acrylic Pour

Following that, I worked on several more paintings while I took a break from drawing butterflies, just to give myself some breathing space while I struggled with one of my black periods.

However seeing as I didn't record as in-detail as I did for the Crow, I don't have any video footage, so I'd like to share with you my Pinterest Board, where you can view all the Acrylic pieces that I have created, as well as any new ones that I am creating, as I will be regularly updating the board: :

Here are a few that I have worked on so far:

Click any of the above images to check out the full collection.
Ok! Back to creating new Art!
See you again next week :3
