Weekly Art Dose: Milky the Unicorn

I have created this world called Fantasy town, Magical Land, which I have an inactive tumblr for. I am hoping to transfer all the information from that tumblr to here, however it will take quite a while as there was a bit of lore that I was building up in order to really flesh out this game concept that I have in my head. 

Anyway This is one of the characters from that world. They are called " Milky". I'm not sure what sort of gender a Milky Unicorn is, as their way of reproducing is similar to a phoenix's death, but I guess based on the eyes and the spindly legs, Milky is a Male? But I really doubt that matters in the long run as Milky doesn't require a mate to have foals. 

Milky was obviously inspired by my great love of My Little Pony Ponies, however the biggest difference between Milky and My Little Pony Ponies is, well, Milky is a shapeshifter. Milky Ponies originate from the Milky way that surrounds FTMLand. They are originally stars. Pretty cool huh?

They like to drink milk produced by the sap of the Star Tree, trees that grow in the darkest parts of the Fantasy Town Magical Land World. 

They love the milk so much that they have gotten the shape of a milk carton tattooed onto their butts, however unlike actual unicorns, they are able to eat and drink meat and vegetables just like any other omnivore. They are very chatty, and they like to talk about their hair, most of the times.

These are all acceptable versions of their milk cartoon tattoo that they pass around and
tell each other to get tattooed onto their rumps one a new foal is born. 

All these illustrations are available as prints on my redbubble art shop
I do acknowledge that this is a pretty weird unicorn. That's what makes Milky Unicorns so special!

This particular Unicorn is called Roger, named after my older sister's baby dog, Roger.

Roger is a pretty chill Milk Unicorn, which is why they have a blue milk cartoon tattooed to their rump. 

Oh...and did I also mention that when enraged, a Milky Unicorn turns their enemies into cute little milk cartons like these....and drinks the milk from the inside???

hahahahaha. YEAH. THEY DO THAT.

Check the links at the side bar for more information about Milky Unicorns and Fantasy Town Magical Land.


Magical Tea of the Day:

