The Updated Microphone Set Up for Videos

 I received two very earnest comments on Fuel To My lofi :

About my audio quality. It sucks, I am aware! ( ̄□ ̄;)

Thanks for the feedback though. I was hoping to just keep rolling along with whatever I have been doing, but since it's really bothering you, it has spurred me on to take action~!!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

I mean....attempt to take action....*sighs* the truth is, this is not my area of expertise. (ー△ー;)

 I have this amazingly smart and talented girlfriend who has studied film and photography and for some reason, she fell in love with this noob, and so after many years of rolling around on the ground in protest of trying-too-hard, I finally crawled out of my cave of I'm-Not-Going-To-Ask-My-GIRLFRIEND-Because-I-Am-A-Big-Girl-and-I-Can-Solve-it-on-my and I swallowed my pride - I have a lot so it was a very difficult pill to swallow - and I finally asked her for help. 

Sadly she informed me that since in all the years we have been together, I have expressed a distinct disdain for trying new things and buying new equipment, she didn't have much to offer me. She did however set up this make-shift microphone boom mic, really quickly using her own equipment, which was so nice! ( I've no idea how to use it but still, thanks~!! )

So hopefully, in a month or two when I shoot more videos, the audio will be better.

If not, I don't know... I tried. *hides under a bed*  〝〇〟⊂(`・Δ・´)⊃〝〇〟
