The Tipping Page has moved

 Thank you so much QuestorTa for tipping and supporting my stream~! 

I feel a little shy about accepting any further donations as I am not sure how often I am going to be streaming, so I am removing the tipping option from my twitch page. If you came all the way here looking for it, here it is:

Donations are not necessary but if you want to support the stream by donating, they are very much appreciated~! I will put it towards making the stream better unless said otherwise.

If you choose to donate the donations are non-refundable

Current SPECS of my set up:

**🍄 Logitech C130 Webcam**

*( Thank you @Questor for your tip! Your tip literally paid for my web cam so that I can start streaming again! )* 

**🍄 iPad Mini 5**

**🍄 Apple Pencil**

**🍄 Procreate**

**🍄 My Pudgy Hands**

**🍄 Coffee with milk** *( soy preferred ) lots of sweetener and Vanilla flavoring*

I know there are more things that I need, like a new desktop computer, windows 10 and a better mirroring option for my iPad so that I can live stream digital art, but I don't really want to put pressure on my audience to help me pay for these things, I am just hoping to slowly build up some savings and get it myself. My hope is that by moving the tipping page away from twitch, it takes away any pressure anyone might feel to give me money, and therefore if they watch my content on Twitch, there is no pressure to click links and pay for anything. 

I do appreciate tips from people who actually can afford it and they want to show gratitude or appreciation for the work that I do, and the art that I create. I welcome that, so long as it doesn't affect your life or standard of living!!! Please do not tip if you need to take care of yourself~! Buy yourself a coffee before you buy me one pls~!!!

