Soft Flower - Chromatic

Every time I play around with photo-manipulation tools I always end up glitching everything out or chromatic-fying( I don't know if that is a real word ) my art until it is monstrous or wondrous.

Digital edits I feel are quintessential for my art. I think I have been messing around with overlapping digital art and my own traditional designs since I was a kid playing around with paint. Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a Mixed Media artist however I had no idea just how much technology would impact the creative process.

A part of me wants to break out spray cans and create amazing neon effects right there on the canvas, but I can't help but love seeing how technology can cross over and make what I paint or draw in real life, or even what I dream of last night, enhanced in a way that my tiny pudgy fingers could never do on their own. The ideas almost seem endless in the sense the opportunity for change is only limited to my attention span.
