The Girl with Balloon Wings

Years ago at my first STGCC( Singapore Toys, Games and Comics Convention), I drew this image as a sketch. 

During that time I had so much hope for the future. I felt like from within me, I was bursting forth dream after sweet dream, all hoping to be realised and meowing for attention. 

I truly wanted to make all these dreams, as well as all the dreams of all the other people around me come true! However years passed, and many of those balloons burst, and what I'm left with are the memories and the feelings of what once was, a very exciting period in my life.

I still am creating dreams balloons, and I still believe in a future that is full of even more dream balloons coming into being, but for the first time. I feel like I can connect to the calm girl that I drew, carrying those balloons. 

Only when I am at peace with myself, that the balloons can lift me off the ground, and carry me through the storms of my life, and into the next stage, because dream balloons aren't full of hot air, they are full of intention, and with the right state of mind I have now realised that I can harness that intention, for positive outcomes. 

Maybe not all the intentions get fulfilled, but at the end of the day, the most important ones, do, and that is all that matters.

What are your dream balloons full of? And what are you doing to make your dream balloons come true?

Get this illustration as an art print or a tote bag:

This design is available on iphone cases, throw pillows, stickers, notebooks and
many more cool products here on Redbubble:
