"The organization was founded in 2013 by three female activists and currently serves as a loose network of activists within the Black Lives Matter movement. The organization is international and advocates for the eradication of systematic racism and to prevent police violence." - an extract taken from Wikipedia

What the Foundation says about itself and what others say about it:

" #BlacklivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murder. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is a global foundation supporting Black led movements in the U.S., UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combatting and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives". - extract taken from the BLMGNF website


So far I have come across one controversy, which is that there was a mix up over where donations were being sent to, however other than that, there seems to be a lot of good that the orgnaization is going, not just for the people, but also to help smaller communities:

"The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation said on Wednesday that it is setting aside $6 million from money the group received in donations to support black-led grassroots organizing groups. Last week, the foundation unveiled a separate $6.5 million fund for its network of affiliate chapters." - extracted from

I am delighted to see the work that they are doing, and I am happy to support the good work that is being put forward to help these communities. 

Thoughts About the Black Lives Matter Movement Itself: 

I think by now it is a well-known fact that the BLM movement has had wide-spread effects throughout the World. Many black people have spoken out, shared and even vlogged about their experiences, their losses and their hopes and dreams for the future. It saddens me that at this point in our existence, people like me are still be treated with so much disrespect, to a point where our lives aren't even valued, and we can be killed at a moment's notice. 

Am I surprised? No. Just look at the media I have been exposed such as "Meet Dave", a movie which clearly shows the killing of a black man at the end of the film, and no one says and does anything about it, just accepting it as a fact of life. Sure you might argue that "He escapes by flying off into a spaceship", but he was shot dead, his body slumped over, and that is ok? Excuse me? That is not ok. 

Anyway, I digress, it is so easy to see that there is discrimination against all sides, from all sides, however, to ignore the outcries of millions of people by simply whitewashing it or glazing over it is just as bad as you are silencing the pain and cries of people who have suffered trauma and abuse their whole life from the society that they live in, and still continue to suffer through it to this day. A victim of abuse of any kind should be heard and helped, no matter the colour of their skin. 

My Personal Experience:

The Black Lives Matter Movement has affected many African Americans and Africans internationally. As a black artist, I have experienced discrimination and racism growing up, and even till today I still face racism. I count myself lucky to live in a country where there is little to no gun violence, however, I find that this is where the benefits end, and I have multiple stories and experiences of workplace discrimination, verbal abuse and bullying that has happened to me as an adult. 

Being able to put my art forward and help others like me who are in more dire situations than me is a must. Again, I cannot do much, but what little I can do I will. There is so much media that I consume, produced by black artists, actors, directors, musicians...etc... that I cannot stand by and do nothing when this sort of media has literally saved me for taking my own life as I felt so isolated and alone growing up as a black girl in an Asian country. 

I am now proud to say that I have a close-knit of loving, protective people who are willing to support me and correct people who use those inappropriate words around me and try to put me down for just existing, so since I am in a good place, I hope to be able to support the development of safe spaces in any community of black people that need it. 

My Conclusions and Hopes for the Future:

It is possible to just love, and be loved. I feel that the true ugliness stems from ignorance, and I hope that the generations that come, will learn to love each other and love themselves more and more. I really hope that one day we can leave all the hate behind us and move forward into a loving and caring world. 

If you would like to help me to support such a great cause, check out my Art collection that features artworks that support this charity:

And as always, may your days be magical, I will see you in the next time. 

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